"I Wished to Know More..." growth

Bertrand Russell, the mathematician and Nobel Laureate, once described his early years by saying, “There was a footpath leading across the fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide."

That's an ominous setup.

"I did not, however,...

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Something the Puritans Got Right christianity growth

Imagine a family with two parents with college degrees. They both have jobs that require continued education each year. They want to make sure their kids grow up to be well-educated too. That's why they take an active role in their schooling and discuss the latest ideas they are learning together...

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Certainty Sells, but Doubt Changes the World growth perspective

For the last few years we've had a rental property in Oregon wine country. Our family spends numerous weeks there in the summers and whenever we can find time to get up there. Although managing this is normally pretty simple, running a rental property is not the 'passive' income...

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What Uniquely Matters to You? growth personal

I was listening to one of Rob Bell's recent podcasts where he talked about how we have things that matter more to us than they matter to most people. He didn't reference this as a negative trait but rather as a unique gift we have to offer the world from the lens only we have.

He gave an...

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The Fierce Capacity to Endure growth perspective

I write this post in the middle of the most bizarre week of the year. Those unique days after Christmas when time seems to freeze and we all collectively catch our breath from the holiday rush. No one knows what day it is or how to find motivation to do much of anything.

But it's also an...

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