It's Like Podcast Inception theology wine

On the latest episode of the Cabernet and Pray podcast, I sat down with Greg Boyd, one of the theological mentors in my life. I showed Greg a few video clips of intriguing things said in previous episodes and invited him to respond in real time.

This was especially fun because one of the clips...

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This Theologian is on Trial for What? christianity theology

There's often a significant difference in perspective between people in the church world and those who aren't a part of it. When I talk with people outside the church about things like Christian concern over the LGBTQ+ community, they are often quite confused. Even church...

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Making Sense of the Divine Conspiracy reading theology

I recently had a chance to join a good friend of mine on the "Space for Faith" podcast. In addition to being a kindred spirit, my friend Mike Goldsworthy was one of the early guests on my "Cabernet and Pray" podcast (Episode 4: Moving Beyond the Medium), so jumping over and spending time on his...

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God WITH Us preaching theology

Most of our bad theology could be fixed by recognizing that God has always looked like Jesus, even if they didn't know it yet. The rest could be fixed by realizing that Jesus modeled what it looked like for a person to be filled with the eternal Christ, and then invited us to do likewise.


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Don’t Choose Issues; Choose People christianity theology

So much of Christianity, at least in America, is about trying to arrive at the 'right beliefs' about God. Once we deem ourselves to be at that place, we hold onto those beliefs with white knuckles and fight off anyone who may threaten them. It's a bit depressing how often a spiritual...

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