One of the challenges for many Christians today is how to reconcile the numerous bad examples of Christian leaders. Thankfully, I believe there are far more good examples than bad, but there are enough bad ones to make this a significant issue. Notable names include Ravi Zacharias, Bill...
I was invited to be a guest on the Jay and Brian Show podcast. They run a mortgage company together and started a podcast out of it. Jay and I became friends when we were in a life group together years ago. Both Jay and Brian are great at rapid-fire questions and keeping the conversation...
My podcast is back this week after taking a month off following the completion of our last book study. In the show, I read the Bible with a friend who is a skeptic as we each process what we find in the text. We call it "The Forest and the Trees."
We put our next book up for a...
I taught at a church this past weekend and the passage I was given was John 15. That's the text where Jesus explains that to find our life in Him we need to think of Him as a grapevine. This was an obvious chance for me to talk about what I get to do with Communion Wine Co and how those...
I was given an early copy of Os Guinness' new book, Signals of Transcendence, which comes out in March. I was instantly hooked. And yes, he is related to the beer that shares his name. Os is the great-great-great-grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer.
Each chapter follows...
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