The Problem with a "Biblical Worldview" bible christianity

I remember growing up in the church and constantly hearing about a "Biblical worldview." This was in contrast to any other way of viewing the world. Obviously, the good Christians had this elusive Biblical worldview, and their own selfish values and sin hindered everyone else's view.


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Everyone Who Grows, Changes bible christianity growth

Wm. Paul Young (author of The Shack) wrote the foreword to Brian Zahnd's book, Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God. In it he makes a profound argument.

"If transformation is by the renewal of the mind and I have never changed my mind, then be assured I am actively resisting the work of the...

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Extra Mile Mentality bible christianity preaching

Last weekend I preached on a difficult passage from the Sermon on the Mount. While we often assume Jesus agrees with our views on most of our ideas, passages like Matthew 5:38-42 show us that we often don't agree with Jesus. 

Essentially, this is where Jesus tells us that when others...

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The Proximity Principle bible preaching

This past weekend I preached a message on Jesus encountering a man possessed with an army of demons inside him (Mark 5). It was the perfect passage for Halloween week. I explored how Jesus put Himself in proximity with people in messy situations. Yet we tend to do exactly the...

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On the Edge of the Inside bible christianity theology

Recently I had someone pass on an article from the author Richard Rohr that absolutely got my mind spinning. In it, he coined the phrase "The edge of the inside." The document was only two pages long but it gave words to something deep inside my soul. So I did the only logical thing for a...

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