Brothers, Managers, and Dead People (Pt. 2) bible preaching

Last week, I began a three-week series of three consecutive stories that Luke recorded Jesus telling. All of them involve what we do with what we have. In the first week, I explored what is commonly known as the story of the "Prodigal Son," although I made the argument it was a story about...

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Brothers, Managers, and Dead People (Pt. 1) bible preaching

A few years ago, I noticed that while we often teach the stories in Luke 15 together (the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son, etc.), I hadn't heard anyone teach any of them with the connecting stories in chapter 16. But I think Luke is developing a theme we can easily miss. This weekend I...

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Do You Have Something to Prove? bible perspective

I remember sitting in a mentorship group years ago. I was with three other guys my age, along with an older counselor known as one of the premier supports for pastors in ministry. I was invited into this group because we were all planning on becoming Lead Pastors one day. This...

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The Problem with a "Biblical Worldview" bible christianity

I remember growing up in the church and constantly hearing about a "Biblical worldview." This was in contrast to any other way of viewing the world. Obviously, the good Christians had this elusive Biblical worldview, and their own selfish values and sin hindered everyone else's view.


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Everyone Who Grows, Changes bible christianity growth

Wm. Paul Young (author of The Shack) wrote the foreword to Brian Zahnd's book, Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God. In it he makes a profound argument.

"If transformation is by the renewal of the mind and I have never changed my mind, then be assured I am actively resisting the work of the...

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