Brothers, Managers, and Dead People (Pt. 1) bible preaching

A few years ago, I noticed that while we often teach the stories in Luke 15 together (the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son, etc.), I hadn't heard anyone teach any of them with the connecting stories in chapter 16. But I think Luke is developing a theme we can easily miss. This weekend I...

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God WITH Us preaching theology

Most of our bad theology could be fixed by recognizing that God has always looked like Jesus, even if they didn't know it yet. The rest could be fixed by realizing that Jesus modeled what it looked like for a person to be filled with the eternal Christ, and then invited us to do likewise.


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Extra Mile Mentality bible christianity preaching

Last weekend I preached on a difficult passage from the Sermon on the Mount. While we often assume Jesus agrees with our views on most of our ideas, passages like Matthew 5:38-42 show us that we often don't agree with Jesus. 

Essentially, this is where Jesus tells us that when others...

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The Proximity Principle bible preaching

This past weekend I preached a message on Jesus encountering a man possessed with an army of demons inside him (Mark 5). It was the perfect passage for Halloween week. I explored how Jesus put Himself in proximity with people in messy situations. Yet we tend to do exactly the...

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One at a Time bible preaching

This past weekend I preached on one of my favorite stories of Jesus. It's found in Luke 8. A synagogue leader named Jairus asks Jesus to heal his dying daughter, and Jesus is interrupted on the way there by a woman with a chronic disease. The story is a masterclass in being present and focused...

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