The Superman Bible Verse bible preaching

This weekend I explored a widely recognized and often misunderstood verse: Philippians 4:13. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." You’ve probably seen it everywhere—on athletes' gear, social media posts, and even memes. It’s been called the...

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Overcoming Attentional Blindness bible christianity preaching

This weekend I had the chance to preach in a series called "What's On Your Mind?" I shared a story that explores a profound cultural shift through the eyes of early followers of Jesus. Our story is set in the book of Acts, chapter ten, and revolves around the pivotal transformation...

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Making It Through Difficult Times personal preaching

This past weekend, I shared a lot of my story (in particular, some challenges these last four years) in a message called "Making It Through Difficult Times as a Couple." It was part of a love, dating, and marriage series at the church.

I taught from a passage where the Apostle Paul similarly...

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Brothers, Managers, and Dead People (Pt. 3) bible preaching

I finished up my three-week series this past weekend. As expected, it was a story about two dead people from Luke 16. The story contrasts an unnamed rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. As we see how death reverses the role of both men, we find that the rich man still thinks everything should...

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Brothers, Managers, and Dead People (Pt. 2) bible preaching

Last week, I began a three-week series of three consecutive stories that Luke recorded Jesus telling. All of them involve what we do with what we have. In the first week, I explored what is commonly known as the story of the "Prodigal Son," although I made the argument it was a story about...

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